Review ICO: Hussy Project Platform is a set of tokens designed to create blockchain based platforms that allow prostitutes and clients to exchange cryptocurrency for sexual services. The HUSSY platform will provide verification for both service providers and customers to minimize the possibility of STD transmission and possible human trafficking cases.
We have a simple yet clear vision – to maintain a free market and self-ownership. We believe in the future, where all women control their own sexuality, including consensual money exchange for sex with the ability to set fair prices, time and circumstances of sexual acts. We believe that the sex work industry. The value of HUSSY’s proposition is to create a decentralized due diligence and safeguard a secure infrastructure based on design. The solutions we offer provide anonymized but verifiable KYC compliance, professional health certifications and Approval Evidence stored in Blockchain.
Blockchain is the solution
Our solution will revolutionize engagement in sexual activity in lieu of payment by utilizing Blockchain technology. Blockchain will allow for increased privacy, security, and confidence in the sex work industry never seen before.
Advantages of HUSSY
Decentralized sex workers and clients can work and trade freely among themselves without the need for a third party payment service.
The anonymity of the user interface works through blockchain technology and with its anonymity indicates that the user ID remains confidential from verification.
Blockchain HUSSY model for adult work function
KYC- Every HUSSY participant must fill out “Know your customers” to make sure they are of age. Information through the due diligence protocol to know the details and once the service provider is approved, receive a KYC certificate.
Satisfaction KYC safety and health checks help both parties on the HUSSY platform to treat health, payments, and quality services safely.
The flexible payment schedule of various sex services in HUSSY will allow customers to scan rates and pay their money with the best value for money.
How it works
The Blockchain Revolution makes it possible to reshape the old order of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for better payouts.
Open to third-party platforms
HUSSY is not just another escort platform, but rather an escort infrastructure. We are legally able to operate our own escorting platforms only in certain countries, but anyone can open their own anonymous escort platform in any country and join the distributed HUSSY infrastructure to improve the status quo of the global sex work industry.
Monetizing platform listings is based on fair advertising costs that are updated according to the demand for sex services in a particular time and location. Each service provider can choose an optional fee for the list – the higher the cost, the more often it will be offered to the prospective client. All fees are paid in the ERC-20 tokens.
The client is given an incentive to make a security deposit before arranging a meeting. In the event of inappropriate or abusive behavior, the client risks losing his deposit. In addition, the service provider may ask the client to place a deposit order to filter out clients who are wasting time making reservations but never appear in meetings.
Our solution will revolutionize engagement in sexual activity in lieu of payment by utilizing Blockchain technology. Blockchain technology makes it possible to close the gap between the need for privacy and trust.
Sex workers and their clients will be reviewed in accordance with the KYC platform listing policy. The separation of the list platform and the due diligence authority ensures trust among participants while keeping them anonymous to the recording platform. KYC verification not only solves the problem of trust, but also can contribute to solving the problem of human trafficking.
The spread of sexually transmitted infections is a major problem in the sex worker industry. A routine medical examination of anonymously verified certified health care providers can minimize the risk of spreading the infection. Participants can verify the validity and date of issuance of the latest health certificate in Blockchain without disclosing any personal data.
Buying sexual services is a business deal that requires mutual respect from both parties involved. Our platform will provide evidence of blockchain-based sexual approval that will protect both parties involved. This explicit evidence was issued after a sexual encounter and confirmed that the meeting went well. It also allows both parties to assess the experience and write reviews after the meeting.
The Blockchain Revolution makes it possible to reshape the old order of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for better payouts.
. KYC Compliance
. Health certification
. Proof of Approval
. Decentralization
. Flexible cost schedule
. Security deposit
HUSSY intends to release the public ICO sale date after the personal sale ends.
Public token sold 50 million HUS
Personal sale 10 million token HUS
Treasury reserves 21 million UAH.
a reward of 3 million members of Team HUS and an adviser of 13 million HUS
Early adaptation of 3 million
Details of HUS from token
Receive – ETH
Model ERC-20
Hard cap 30 000 000 US dollars
Soft cover 3 000 000 US dollars
Token provides 100,000
HUS Tokens for sale 60 000 000 HUS
There is a growing discussion about the need to protect sex workers from increasing violence against them, and HUSSY seems to have found a solution to this threat. However, significant losses associated with blockchain services are legal and moral obligations in many countries. Despite the fact that it eliminates the shame, security and security of the sex industry because of cryptocurrency, many countries have a legal relationship with sex for money, leaving cryptocurrency.
Q2 2017 The initial idea was formulated.
Q4 2017 Research and analysis
Q1 2018 Website deployed
Q1 2018 Whitepaper published
Q2 2018 BitCointalk announcement
Q2 2018 The Bounty program begins
Q2 2018 Personal sales tokens
Q3 2018 Product work demo (MVP)
Q4 2018 Public token sales
Q1 2019 Official launch in selected countries
Q2 2019 Official launch in the European Union
Q3 2019 Official launch of Asia & South America
Q3 2019 Health certificate
Q4 2019 10,000 active list
Detailed information:
-Twitter: hussy_io


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