
Shipit (SHPT) no need to pay customs taxesSmall parcels are not subject to taxation. As a traveler is carrying a parcel as a personal luggage, he or she may pass through customs’ green channel.Responsible approach Deposit and reviews-based rating system lowers Shipit.me risks of thefts or damages.Crowd shipping will allow shipping items to both individuals and legal entities.Shipit has no need in keeping numerous machinery units and employees. That is why shipping costs will be lower compared to those of courier and delivery companies.Users will be able to message each other, thus, being able to keep in touch with each other and track shipments.No paperwork. No need to fill in lots of different forms being afraid of making a mistake.
Shipit is a community of senders and travelers united by the mobile app that helps the former ship packages and the latter make extra money while traveling. Shipit is a symbiosis of best ideas and practices of courier, crowdsource and crowdshipping services. We have synthesized the best business practices to create a revolutionary and unique service. Just as Uber and BlaBlaCar have already become a part of our daily lives, Shipit is going to become an irreplaceable tool for shipping. It is the first app of its kind that will use smart contracts and blockchain as a native tool to make people lives easier all around the world. By implementing Shipit tokens and using the blockchain we want to build relationships between users based on transparency, safety and ease of tracking for all deliveries on the platform. While courier services are becoming more expensive, Shipit allows users to ship and track open packages at lower costs and risks. Shipping has never been easier.

How does Shipit work?

The app is simple and intuitive. You just need to take a picture of an item you want to ship using your smartphone camera, input points A and B of your shipment’s journey, set the size and value of item and the price you are willing to pay for the delivery. The system matches the input data with that of travelers and picks the best matches. Communicate with the candidates, pick the best one, hand off your item and track it upon delivery. Shipit verifies its users and monitors all shipments providing items’ safety. Interactive interface makes the shipping simple and fast. You do not need to worry about making a mistake or missing important details.
Shipit Feature:
  • No customs charges or taxes, if the item fits green channel requirements.
  • Lower probability of theft or damage.
  • Shipping to individuals and legal entities.
  • Lower costs than when using delivery services.
  • Personal communication with delivering travelers.
  • No paperwork and bureaucracy.
  • Sender does not overpay for brand and promotion.
  • Sender’s money is fairly distributed within the system instead of being transferred to corporations.
  • Travelers manage their luggage more efficiently.
  • Travelers contribute to the world.

Market growth:

In spite of current difficulties, the global market of courier and parcel delivery services constantly develops and provides the delivery companies with billions of revenue. The courier and express delivery industry has been growing by annual 1% during the last five years from 2012 to 2017.  The IBISWorld experts expect the demand for courier services to continue to increase over the next five years by 2022. This is caused by the growth of customer spending and demand for goods. Many companies are going to turn to air means of shipping in order to secure out on-time deliveries for the customers. There are almost 3 million employees and 600,000 companies on the market. The market size of the industry currently counts with $240 bln. According to the report by Accenture.com, the market of express deliveries is expected to grow from $237,9 bln in 2017 to $343,1 bln in 2020.
The number of start-ups contributing to sharing economy and attracting more investments grows annually. Investor interest rises to new features and possibilities that collaborative consumption can offer. Sharing goods and services, barter, rent makes people reflect not only on what they get but also how they get it. According to TIME Magazine’s visionary article, collaborative consumption is one of 10 ideas that are going to change the world within the next 10 years. It is a new socio-economic model that is going to reshape consumption of services and goods. Although, there are prominent players in some sharing economy industries such as Airbnb in travelling, ZipCar in carsharing, Uber in taxi – the crowd shipping market is still at its very early stages of development.
Having analyzed problems that customers of courier and parcel delivery services usually face, our team came with the idea of Shipit and designed the project’s main concept.

Shipit – Send Packages. No couriers. Just people:

Millions of people ship packages daily and all around the world. However, there is a high chance of a sender running into issues of expensive shipping services, delivery delays, and high risks of shipments getting lost or damaged. Customs and postal services may cause a wide variety of troubles ranging from excessive paperwork to outright theft. At the same time those services cannot boast of outstanding efficiency and fast work: sometimes the shipments are delivered behind all reasonable deadlines. Aside from that, governments often charge different shipping fees and taxes inexplicable to the sender. Commercial courier companies are not perfect as well. It is worth mentioning that courier and parcel delivery services have to employ a lot of people, machinery, and equipment units as well as to take care of insurance policies for their activities. All that leads to more than significant costs that are eventually carried by customers.
Delivery and courier services often cannot ship a parcel directly from point A to point B and are forced to resort to transit hubs which introduce even more threats and risks. Naturally, the increase in number of intermediary delivery and courier companies involved does not lead to increase of the responsibility of each party involved. Although courier and parcel delivery companies have made our lives easier, they still have not fully addressed any of the questions above. Naturally, in the world of globalization and digitization and given the constant growth of global GDP and retail e-commerce sales, the significance of these issues is going to increase proportionally to the shipping volumes worldwide.
The world around us is rapidly developing and people all around the globe wanting to make things better than they are today may have only one viable option – to shift from the consumption and possession economy to the sharing economy.


Iskander Karimov – CEO/Co-founder
Nikolay Grishakov – COO/Co-founder
Azat Shaidullin – Chief of Strategy/ Co-founder
Artur Iskhakov – Head of HR/Co-founder
Marat Akhunzyanov – CTO
Federico De Faveri – Lead Blockchain Developer Full-Stack Software Developer
Alexander Sazonov – Backend Developer
Alexey Fedorov – Software Engineer


Token Sales Detail:

Shipit – SHPT Tokens allow users to pay for Shipit app services. 100% of SHPT are to be emitted before the start of fundraising campaign. All unsold tokens are going to be burnt. The ICO countdown has already begun; you can enjoy the attractive discount by investing in this ICO before the countdown finish.
Token: SHPT
PreICO Price: 1 SHPT = 0.1 USD
Price: 1 SHPT = 0.1 USD
Bonus: Available
Bounty: Available
MVP/Prototype: Available
Platform: Ethereum
Accepting: ETH, BTC, LTC
Soft cap: 3,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 24,000,000 USD
Country: Saint Kitts and Nevis
Whitelist/KYC: KYC & Whitelist
Restricted areas: USA, China, Singapore, New Zealand
For more information:


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